Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain affects 1 in 12 Australian men (Ferris et al 2009), and it’s defined as pain anywhere between your belly button and SIT bones (your SIT bones are located at the base of your pelvis) If pelvic pain lasts for more than 6 months, it’s called persistent or chronic pelvic pain.

Unfortunately, male pelvic pain is often misdiagnosed or incorrectly managed as it doesn’t show up on routine scans and investigations. This adds to the frustration of the condition and it can have a major impact on men’s quality of life.

Men suffer with a wide variety of pelvic pain symptoms including:

  • Pain when sitting: this can be in the coccyx (tailbone), perineum, rectum or genitals
  • Pressure, throbbing, tingling or burning sensation anywhere in the pelvis, including the penis, testicles, urethra, tailbone or rectum
  • Bowel issues: including rectal or anal pain, a sense of incomplete emptying, pain with opening bowels, or inability to pass wind
  • Bladder issues: bladder pain, the need to go to the toilet frequently, reduced urine flow or incomplete emptying
  • Sexual pain: can be during or after intercourse, or with ejaculation
  • Anxiety, depression and high levels of stress

Our specially trained physiotherapists will listen to your history, then carefully and accurately assess your pelvic pain. Following your initial consultation they will develop an individual patient plan to help you move forward and regain your quality of life which is so often compromised with pelvic pain.

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