Proctalgia Fugax

Proctalgia Fugax is the onset of sudden or sharp pain within the anus or rectum. It does not always have a specific cause and it is not abnormal for it to appear randomly. Most people who have this condition tend to experience it overnight. The most common amount of time for it to last would be between 5 seconds and a few minutes, but it is not uncommon for it to last up to 90 minutes.


Proctalgia Fugax often feels like a hot poker is touching your rectum. You may also experience spasms, which can contribute to your cramping buttocks and painful rectum. It is not abnormal to experience disruption to your social life, your ability to relax, or even your work.

Is Proctalgia Fugax Common?

It is important to know that this condition tends to happen more in women when compared to men. Luckily, Proctalgia Fugax treatment is very easy to come by, and it has never been easier for you to get to the root of the problem.

Risk Factors for Proctalgia Fugax

People who experience constipation or high stress may be much more likely to experience Proctalgia Fugax. It is also possible for it to be brought on through sexual intercourse as well. That being said, it is important to know that sometimes, it can happen without any triggers at all.

How is Proctalgia Fugax Diagnosed?

The diagnosis will largely be based on your symptoms but your healthcare professional may want to do a physical examination. They will want to rule out other potential causes of your rectal pain. This could well include haemorrhoids or anal fissures. There are more serious conditions which can cause this condition as well, so it is important to be mindful of this so you can get checked out as soon as possible.

Your pelvic physio will always be able to advise you on the best course of treatment. Most of the time, this will consist of education, lifestyle advice, and targeted myofascial release of the pelvic muscles. In some cases, you may benefit from additional treatments such as botox into the pelvic floor muscles or anal sphincter.. This will be performed by a medical practitioner and not by the physio you go to see to get diagnosed with the condition.

Can you Treat Proctalgia Fugax At Home?

Some of the things you can do to treat yourself at home include:

  • Pelvic stretching
  • Pelvic breathing
  • Sitz baths
  • Relaxation
  • Enemas
  • Lifestyle modifications
  • Self-release with a Therawand

Due to its bothersome nature, a lot of people worry that they will never get better, but this is not the case if you seek treatment from a reputable physio.

Tips that will Help you to Manage Proctalgia Fugax

If you want some tips that will help you to manage your Proctalgia Fugax then take a look below.

  1. Manage any constipation you may be having
  2. Think about what your triggers are
  3. Address tension in your pelvic floor muscles
  4. Promote stillness in the day
  5. Adopt a solid sleep hygiene routine