Underactive Pelvic Floor Muscle (PFM)

If you’re experiencing poor bladder and bowel control as well as non-pleasurable intercourse, then it is a good idea to have yourself checked for underactive or weak pelvic floor muscles.

What are the symptoms of underactive pelvic floor muscles?

The most common symptoms of overactive pelvic floor muscles are:

How are underactive pelvic floor muscles diagnosed?

The gold standard diagnostic assessment is a vaginal examination. This will aid the assessment of resting vaginal pressure, strength of the muscles and vaginal sensation. Alternatively, a real time ultrasound assessment can be performed which can indicate whether there is weakness however this is not always 100% accurate.

How are underactive pelvic floor muscles treated?

Our physiotherapists here at Sydney Pelvic Clinic will first identify what’s causing the weakness in your pelvic floor muscles and recommend the appropriate treatments to help you build the strength you need to alleviate your symptoms.

We have level 1A evidence for pelvic floor muscle exercises to treat symptoms of urinary incontinence and prolapse. However, we know that people have difficulty completing exercises with correct technique and with the correct dosage. Your Physiotherapist will provide you with a tailored home exercise program to ensure it is achievable for you.

In addition to pelvic floor muscle exercises, people who experience pelvic floor muscle weakness may benefit from the Emsella chair, femfit and our group Pelvic Floor Muscle class. Your physiotherapist will guide you on whether these are appropriate for you.