Coccyx Pain

Coccyx pain, or tailbone pain, is a literal pain in the butt that can make the simplest tasks like sitting, bending, or even walking, feel excruciating. The coccyx, aka the tailbone, is a tiny bone that might seem insignificant, but it plays a vital role in supporting our bodies when seated. When this area gets injured, it can lead to intense discomfort radiating throughout our lower back and legs.

What are the Symptoms of Coccyx Pain?

Coccyx pain can be downright debilitating! If you’re dealing with this pain, you might experience tenderness, soreness, or pain around the tailbone area. But it doesn’t stop there. The discomfort can spread to your hips, lower back, and even down your legs, making it challenging to stand, sit, or move around without feeling the agony. Additionally, it can affect your bowel movements and sexual activity, making these intimate moments uncomfortable.

How Common is Coccyx Pain?

Coccyx pain is not a rare occurrence, in fact, up to 20% of people might experience it at some point in their lives! And while anyone can be affected by it, women are more likely to feel the discomfort due to childbirth and hormonal changes. If you’re someone who spends most of their day sitting, beware! You might be at a higher risk of developing coccyx pain. However, the good news is that most cases can be managed with non-invasive treatments, such as physical therapy or pain relief medication. But remember, early intervention is key to preventing chronic pain and improving your quality of life.

What are the Risk Factors for Coccyx Pain?

Some factors might put you at a higher risk of experiencing this type of pain. Falling on your rear, giving birth, or participating in activities that put pressure on your tailbone (eg: cycling) can increase the likelihood of developing coccyx pain. As we age, we might also be at risk of developing degenerative conditions like arthritis or osteoporosis that can impact our tailbone and lead to discomfort. Being overweight can also be a factor, and as we mentioned above, women are more likely to suffer because of pregnancy and childbirth.

Diagnosing Coccyx Pain

Getting a proper diagnosis for coccyx pain is essential to get the relief you need and start feeling like yourself again. The process typically begins with a physical exam and an in-depth review of your medical history. Your pelvic physio may also refer you for imaging; either x-ray or MRI, if indicated, to take a closer look at your coccyx’s structure and ensure no underlying conditions contribute to your pain. 

What Else Can Cause Coccyx Pain?

Other potential culprits could be lurking, like pilonidal cysts containing pus and hair, and cause discomfort around the tailbone. Tarlov cysts, which are fluid-filled nerve root cysts, and masses, can also contribute to this type of pain. Lower sacral radicular pain and coccygeal spicule are other possible causes of tailbone discomfort. It’s essential to seek a proper diagnosis to identify the root cause of your pain and get the right treatment to ease your symptoms.

How Can We Treat Coccyx Pain at SPC?

Several treatment options are available to help you get back to your normal routine. Along with learning proper sitting techniques and modifications, manual therapy can work wonders in reducing discomfort, whether it’s through massage, or physiotherapy techniques. 

Rehabilitation exercises can strengthen the muscles and improve flexibility. If more intensive treatment is required, focused shockwave therapy, which uses high-intensity sound waves to promote healing, could be a non-invasive option. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary. 

Book your initial consultation today – with the right treatment plan, you can say goodbye to coccyx pain and hello to a pain-free life.