At Sydney Pelvic Clinic, our approach to general and sports physiotherapy is integrated and individualised. We seek the core driver of the problem, then use innovative and effective evidence based therapy, including soft tissue and joint mobilisation, muscle energy techniques and dry needle therapy combined with education and specific exercise rehabilitation to achieve optimal results.

We create awareness and seek change around non-optimal posture and movement patterns. We optimise function and performance through correct strength and stability training. Ultimately we want you feeling good in your body and doing all the things you love doing!



Tension-type Headaches (TTH)

Tension headaches, which can be brought on by stress, tiredness, tension of the musculature in the cervical region, are a common type of headache affecting the individual’s everyday life. Physiotherapy treatment includes pain education, exercise, and manual therapy treatments.


Migraines are debilitating for those who suffer from them, physiotherapy can help to relieve symptoms associated with migraines through manual therapy, targeted exercise training, and education.

Cervicogenic Headaches

A chronic form of headache arising from anatomy in the cervical spine. Physiotherapy management should be considered as first-line treatment, consisting of manual therapy, education, and exercise.


Acute & Chronic Pain

Neck pain is a common cause of disability in the community. Key physiotherapy treatments include education, exercise and manual therapy techniques.

Nerve & Disc Injuries

Physiotherapists assess which structures are the underlying cause of symptoms and then treat the symptoms through targeted education, exercise and manual therapy.

Facet Joint Pain

Pain-related to the facet joints in the spine, often brought on by excessive/repetitive movement and age-related changes at the joints. Physiotherapy treatment involves education and advice for activity modification and targeted exercise.


Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

Pain linked to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and its associated anatomical structures may be caused by inflammation, structural changes, degeneration, or muscular imbalances/overactivity.


Rotator Cuff

A group of muscles that act as the predominant shoulder stabilisers during movement. Dysfunction in this group of muscles is associated with pain and compromised function in the shoulder.

AC Joint

One of the joints that encompass the shoulder complex, attaching the clavicle (collar bone) and the scapula (shoulder blade), allowing for increased scapula function and ROM. The AC joint is vulnerable to both traumatic injuries and degenerative changes.


Are an overuse condition affecting the tendons of the body, where there is disorganisation of the structures within the tendon, leading to pain and reduced function. Common tendinopathies of the upper limb include: Biceps, Lateral Epicondyle (Tennis Elbow) and Medial Epicondyle (Golfers Elbow), Rotator Cuff, and Triceps.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Is the most common nerve entrapment neuropathy, caused by the compression of the median nerve by structures within the carpal tunnel on the palmar aspect of the wrist.


De Quervains is a tenosynovitis affecting the tendons at the base of the thumb, symptoms include pain with movement and grasping activities over the side of the wrist at the base of the thumb, swelling and tenderness on touch.


Ribs & Thoracic Spine Pain

Thoracic spine pain can be a result of trauma, muscle strain or poor posture over time, inflammatory or degenerative conditions, prolonged sitting, or overuse injuries. Rib pain can be associated with fracture, muscular strain, or joint inflammation


Runner’s Knee

Also known as “Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome”, is an umbrella term for pain around the patellofemoral joint or anatomical structures adjacent to the joint. The pain associated with the condition is felt around the front of the knee during movements such as squatting, walking stairs and kneeling.

Acute Injuries

Acute knee injuries are common in sports requiring quick changes in direction and twisting movements. Injuries commonly involve the ligaments, meniscus or cartilage.


Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition affecting the joint, primarily as a result of articular degeneration due to ageing. This condition is characterised by a gradual onset of pain which is aggravated with activity.

Shin Splints

Also known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS), is characterized by exercise-induced pain along the front of the shin caused by repetitive loading stress during activities such as running or jumping.

Compartment Syndrome

Compartment syndrome of the lower leg occurs when pressure, caused by oedema or bleeding, increases in an area within the limb which is non-extensible. This leads to compression of blood vessels in the tissue, which can lead to a lack of oxygen if not treated.


Acute Sprains

A very common sporting injury, ankle sprains occur in the ligaments on the outside of the ankle 90% of the time. Sprains to the ligaments occur when your ankle suddenly “rolls” in a direction which stretches the ligaments to a greater degree than they have the strength for, causing varying degrees of damage.

Overuse Injuries

Overuse injuries are characterised by repeated micro-trauma rather than a particular injury event, usually caused by a large increase in exercise load. Most common ankle and foot overuse injuries include Achilles tendinopathy and plantar fasciitis.

Fracture Management & Recovery

Physiotherapy management is an important aspect when recovering from ankle or foot fracture. Treatments can include immobilisation of the affected region to promote healing, mobility, stability and strengthening exercises to regain proper function and education on load management strategies.

Getting Started


Complete Assessment

Your qualified physiotherapist will begin by assessing your symptoms or injury. This includes a thorough review of your medical history, a full physical assessment, and a thorough evaluation of your symptoms and the effect on your quality of life.


Diagnosis & Explanation

Once the cause of your pain or condition has been diagnosed, your physiotherapist will discuss the findings with you, as well as explaining treatment options and expected outcomes. We combine our holistic, integrated approach with cutting-edge technology to achieve the best possible health outcomes.


Treatment & Management

Your physiotherapist will tailor an individual treatment plan, which may include one or more of the following; evidence-based manual therapy, strengthening exercises or specific exercise rehabilitation, education, mindfulness techniques, and home management plans for ongoing treatment.