It takes courage to seek help with incontinence, but it’s more common that you think! Sydney Pelvic Clinic Physios work with people every day, to improve their pelvic health and get their lives back.


Sydney Pelvic Clinic provides Physiotherapy and treatment options for adults suffering with the following common adult incontinence conditions:

Overflow Incontinence

If you are unable to fully empty your bladder or can only release small amounts of urine, you may have the common condition known as overflow urinary incontinence.

Urge Incontinence

Not making it to the toilet in time? You might have a condition known as urge urinary incontinence. Bladder training and treatment from a pelvic Physio can help you recover.

Stress Incontinence

If coughing, sneezing, laughing, or jumping cause you to leak urine, you might need to see a pelvic Physio to assess whether you have the common condition: stress urinary incontinence.

Faecal Incontinence

Faecal incontinence has to be one of the most distressing types of pelvic floor dysfunction. It takes courage to seek help, but know that you are not alone and it can improve!


How Overflow Incontinence Affects People Every Single Day

There are overflow urinary incontinence treatment options out there that can help you regulate your urine flow, alleviate symptoms, and live a happier, healthier life; just as these two adults discovered.

Why Do I Have To ‘Go’ all the Time? And Other Questions About Urge Incontinence

The cause of your involuntary leakage could be as simple as inflammation or constipation, but as serious as pelvic prolapse or prostate cancer. Read all the causes of urge urinary incontinence and find a treatment option that works for you.

Why Living with Stress Urinary Incontinence is so Stressful

Leaking urine when you cough, sneeze or jump can feel embarrassing and isolating, but it’s not as uncommon as you’d think. Read how Jacqui’s life was affected by stress urinary incontinence and how she regained her life and confidence.

Getting to the Bottom of Faecal Incontinence

Most people let shame stop them from reaching out to a healthcare professional about bowel accident problems. Read Bob’s story to discover why this common condition is best dealt with and treated.


Living with any kind of incontinence issue can be embarrassing, painful, and isolating. Book an appointment with a SPC Pelvic Physiotherapist to determine the best treatment plan for you.

The Sydney Pelvic Clinic team of pelvic Physiotherapists in Sydney provide this information for adults suffering with urinary incontinence, faecal incontinence, stress incontinence, nocturnal enuresis, post micturition dribble, incontinence post-prostatectomy or other adult continence issues. Sydney Pelvic Clinic offers men’s and women’s pelvic Physiotherapy services, as well as exercise plans and treatments that can help to stop bed wetting, daytime incontinence or pelvic pain. Our experienced team is here to advise on the best ways to manage constipation in adults, leaking urine, difficulty keeping urine in during exercise, needing to rush to the toilet, bladder leakage when coughing or sneezing, involuntary bowel leakage, or pain when urinating. SPC have an experienced and compassionate team of continence physios. While Sydney Pelvic Health Clinic makes every effort to ensure the information in this website is accurate and informative, this information does not take the place of one-on-one professional or medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, or as a substitute for a consultation with our trained health professionals. Sydney Pelvic Clinic is located in Bondi Junction in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs and in St Leonards Sydney, and provides Physio-led exercise classes, massage therapies, and Physiotherapy services with experienced pelvic Physios who can help with any pelvic health condition. Consultations are private and confidential, and can be booked online or by calling the Bondi Junction clinic.